IRON: One Year + Sale

Today is IRON’s one year anniversary! It’s difficult to comprehend that, only a year ago, this book was published.

In honor of this occasion, IRON’s ebook is on sale for $0.99. You can find that here. If you’d like to see some lovely fan art by two incredibly talented artists, you can find that here.

IRON: Fun Facts

  • IRON is my first completed fairy tale retelling.
  • While there are some little nods to the Disney animated version, the majority was inspired by the two original versions. In one of these versions, there are three doves who help the Cinderella character. You could say they’re her fowl godmothers. In IRON, these doves are represented by Madam Teal, Pipit, and Birdie…all of whom bear bird types for names.
  • IRON was originally intended to be part of a two-story book, meaning it and KEY’s original story were supposed to be published together in the same book.
  • IRON’s inspiration came from a picture on Pinterest talking about a detective investigating every fairy tale. A few different plots were bounced around before the story as you know it came into being and went its merry way.
  • I wanted to illustrate two different types of strong heroines. Today, we’re bombarded with two different “heroine” versions: 1) where the women can beat a man at anything, whether it’s arm-wrestling, hand-to-hand, etc. 2) where all they do is scream. I wanted to show women that, whether you’re a fighter like Red or a quieter soul like Chamonix, you can be a strong heroine no matter what.

IRON Warnings

As I’ve said from the beginning, IRON is a New Adult Christian fantasy fairy tale retelling. YA can read it, but my target audience is new adults/adults.

IRON also addresses the topic of human trafficking. There is nothing gratuitous or explicit.

Also, if you dislike heavy Christian content, clean romance, flawed characters, and lots of action and adventure, this book isn’t for you.

About IRON



Do you prefer more traditional retellings or retellings that “go beyond” the fairy tale being retold? If you could choose between being a sarcastic detective with terrible hair, a princess with breathing issues, or a smithy with confidence problems, who would you rather be?

8 thoughts on “IRON: One Year + Sale

  1. Saraina Whitney

    Happy book birthday, IRON!!! ❤ I definitely prefer fairy tale retellings that go beyond the original tale merely being retold 😉 And goodness, with the way you worded that last question, I'd have to go with Red. 🤣

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