Book Spotlight

If you would like to request a book spotlight on Madi’s Musings and/or my Instagram, please review the following guidelines to ensure your book is compatible with my blog’s purpose.

What I will Spotlight

  • Clean books! Clean, clean, clean. We like clean books on this blog, and if you enjoy some spice in your reading preferences, this isn’t the blog for you.
  • Fantasy, Historical, and Contemporary genres.
  • YA or Adult (includes NA) as long as they’re clean.
  • Books containing magic, as long as the occult is not glorified.
  • I’m fine spotlighting clean and wholesome general market books, but they must be clean!

What I will not Spotlight

  • Books where AI has been utilized in any manner, whether writing or cover.
  • Books containing profanity or sexual content. And by profanity, I mean even the “minor and small” profanities. Please don’t try to pull a fast one on me. It will only result in a low-star rating for your book. And I don’t care if your character “accidentally” utters a profanity then is remorseful. That will still earn you a low star rating. So please, just don’t. I shouldn’t have to continually reiterate the rules, but many who send in requests ignore them. So read carefully.
  • Books advocating abortion.
  • Books promoting Black Lives Matter (BLM), “white supremacy”, Critical Race Theory (CRT), gun control, feminism, LGBTxyz propaganda, rewriting history, reparations, defunding the police, or removal of the Constitution, Bill of Rights, or our other founding documents. Nor will I read anything promoting other liberal ideologies and agendas.
  • Books promoting Covid-19 vaccinations or mask wearing/enforcement.
  • Books bashing Christianity.
  • Anything supporting the enneagram. This has mystical ties and will not be allowed on this blog.
  • Books promoting women “pastors” or women leading men in any capacity. This is directly unbiblical and extends to women leading worship for a mixed audience, which is also unbiblical. Anything promoting yoga is also not allowed.
  • Books promoting unbiblical theology, like Jesus being only human and a good teacher, God not creating the world in six literal days (e.g. theistic evolution), and many paths leading to Heaven.
  • Books where I can’t tell your book is Christian. Books must contain faith.
  • Anything with ghosts or vampires.

Q & A

How romantic is too romantic?

Anything containing spice, sizzle, lust, and drooling over a character’s shape or physique crosses the line. For reference, books by Jody Hedlund and Francine River exceed the level of romance I consider clean and am willing to read. Characters do not need to be investigating each other’s tonsils, nor do I need to know how his tight shirt accentuates every muscle.

You mention faith quite often. There are many religions, and within the Christian umbrella, many different branches. Which are you willing to read?

Only one “religion” is correct, and that is Christianity. Biblical Christianity. Mormonism, Jehovahs Witness, Scientology, Muslim, Hinduism, and New Age are all drastically unbiblical and are not allowed on my blog. Unless the book is Fantasy or Medieval, I prefer books written from an Evangelical/Protestant viewpoint.

I will not budge on this.

Request a Spotlight

If your book meets the guidelines and you would like to request a spotlight, then please email me here. Include your book title, genre, age range, verify it meets MM’s standards, and if it is already released or not yet. It may take me a few days, but I will respond.