Cover Reveal: A Noble Protector

Today is the cover reveal for my December release, A Noble Protector! It’s a Wild Swans retelling, and following the series’ rule that you can’t have the usual MCs be your MCs, this is going to be a fun endeavor.


She’s an outcast. He’s a dying prince. Together, they may be the kingdom’s last hope.

Outcast princess Gwyn Yesen has resigned to in anonymity for the rest of her life. When her only friend, the princess of the land unintentionally granting Gwyn safety, needs help, Gwyn knows she must help—even if it risks revealing who and what she really is.

What would you do to save your family? That’s the question dying prince Varrick Landreth find himself answering. Willing to do anything to save his brothers and sister, he finds himself joining forces with a suspicious woman keeping too many secrets.

As death nears and time runs out, Gwyn and Varrick must work together to save the royal family before usurpers and schemers enact their final, deadliest plan. But secrets have a way of being revealed at the worst time, and soon Varrick finds himself not only fighting for his family and kingdom, but being forced to choose Gwyn’s fate.

A Noble Protector is an NA Christian fantasy Wild Swans retelling. Book #8 in Cornerstone Series, which can be read as a standalone.




The Cover

The Cornerstone Series has sixteen covers, four to each season. The Summer season is being revealed today, and you can see the other three covers here.

Go and check out those other covers, then let me know which one you like best (and let me know which title piques your interest the most). Have you ever read a Wild Swans retelling? What about one where the original main characters are not the retelling’s main characters?

Cover Reveals: Cornerstone, Season Spring

Once upon a time, in a land not very far away, an idea was born.

Soon, that idea became a plan, and the plan set in motion. A form was made, call outs were posted, and writers flocked about.

That plan was The Cornerstone Series, put forth by Beyond the Bookery (open for submissions!) and its founder, Abigail Kay Harris.

About the Series

The Cornerstone Series is a multi-author book series featuring the following authors:

Laurie Lucking, Kirsten Fichter, E. G. Bella, Jewel Windall, Saraina Whitney, Rachel Kovaciny, Abigail Kay Harris, Madisyn Carlin, Lucy Peterson, Anna Augustine, Olivia Godfrey, Kendall Hoxsey, K. R. Mattson, C. K. Heartwing,  Kendra E. Ardnek, Katja H. Labonté

Cover designer: @mountainpeakeditsanddesign (a.k.a me)

Publisher: @beyondthebookery | Bellator de Lux Publishing

The Spring Covers

You can preorder here, and the books are available to be added to your Goodreads TBR.

Which cover is your favorite? Laurie Lucking’s was, actually, the second cover created, and I just love that deep purple.

Project Reveal + Cover Reveal Signups

If you follow me on Instagram, you may have seen a call for cover reveal assistance for a special project that’s been kept rather hush-hush. You may also recall when I posted about the Cornerstone Series submissions.

It is now time to to officially reveal Project: Protector, a.k.a A Noble Protector, book eight in Cornerstone.

The kingdom is in peril, and it’s up to an outcast enemy and a dying prince to save it.

There are sixteen books, and every book has a different color theme. Mine is blue, and as I’m sure you can tell from the aesthetic graphic, ANP takes place in a land of fog, danger, forests, and mountains.

It’s also a retelling of The Wild Swans, and while I won’t begin writing this until July or August, I already have a few pages-worth of ideas.

Cover reveal signups are open not only for ANP, but for the entire series as well. I’m so excited for these covers to soon be released upon the world. We’d love your help in sharing these covers. If you sign up for the series reveal, you’ll be sent four graphics to post, one a week, in June. If you can’t squeak that into your schedule, I’d still appreciate your assistance with ANP’s reveal. But, if you sign up for the group reveal, you don’t need to also sign up for ANP’s.

Cornerstone Series is a collection of sixteen Christian fantasy novellas, all nonmagical and all fairy tale retellings. From Rapunzel to Beauty and the Beast, and from Robin Hood to The Blue Bird, there is a vast selection of both well-known and uncommon tales. The cover reveals occur in June, and books will release October – February.



If you’d like to see ANP’s inspiration board, you can go here.

If you read Shattered Reflection, you may remember two certain side characters named Canon and Silci. Canon, a snarky Lowlander, and Silci, a book-loving Snowlander, were fun to write, even though they only appeared in about a third of the book.

Since before SR1’s completion, I’ve had the idea for these two’s story. In SR1 they’re married, but how did they meet? Why did they fall in love? The first chapter was written in a tattered notebook about two years ago, and come July 2024, it will be released.

Before then, though, a cover reveal needs to happen.

I would so very much appreciate your help in sharing Shattered Revision’s cover in late May/early June. This was a fun one to design, and though it didn’t turn out how I initially envisioned, I am now in love with the autumn theme. The ARC form will be opened on the cover reveal day. The cover reveal form is here.

You can find the in-progress inspiration board here.

Have you ever heard of The Wild Swans? It’s a similar tale to The Twelve Swans. What other uncommon/rare fairy tales do you enjoy? What is one of your favorite common one? I’m partial to Snow White and Rose Red.

3 Slots Left: Cornerstone Series

There are only three slots left in the Cornerstone Series. So, if you’re a Christian who writes Christian fantasy, be sure to apply!

Here is some information:
– Must have faith content
– Must contain CLEAN romance. This means no closed door or fade-to-black.
– Must be nonmagical
– The length is 25,000-45,000
– Will be published late 2024 – early 2025.

Covers will be provided by Mountain Peak Edits & Design, a.k.a. moi. One cover is already made, and it’s gorgeous.


If you’re interested, fill out this form.

Please note that filling out the form will not guarantee you are selected. All selections are chosen by Beyond the Bookery and are final.

Calling all Christian Fantasy Writers

If you write nonmagical Christian fantasy, I have some exciting news for you. @beyondthebookery and my good friend, @authorabigailkayharris, are putting together a nonmagical Christian fantasy fairy tale retelling multi-author collaboration, comprised of at least 12 authors. I am so excited for this!

What are the specs? I’m glad you asked.
– 25,000-45,000 words
-releasing late 2024-early 2025
-CLEAN romance
-Must have faith content
-must be nonmagical

Covers will be provided by Mountain Peak Edits & Design, a.k.a. moi.

What does clean romance mean? No fade-to-black, no steam or sizzle. This collab wants God-honoring romance.

If this piques your interest, be sure to fill out the form.


Please note that applying for this collaboration does not mean you will be selected. All selections, made by Beyond the Bookery, will be final.