Release Day: Shattered Resistance

Today is SR3’s release day, and I’m am so happy it’s finally here. Not only was this an emotional story to write (don’t kill me when you reach a certain chapter), but it put me through the wringer. However, SR3 has finally made its entrance into the world, and I can’t wait for you to read it.

SR3 is a New Adult nonmagical Christian fantasy fairy tale retelling of The Little Mermaid. The retelling elements are rather obscure at first, but they really shine through as the book progresses.

One of my favorite parts about retelling a fairy tale is reworking certain elements. Stan represents Sebastian, there are two Little Mermaid characters, Ursula is, well, you’ll find out when you read it, and Flounder is a grimy stuffed doll named Flossie.

Meet the Characters

Naturo Endarison

Myranthe Delmare

Vladic Cindari

Elmery Nemorio

About the Book

Genre: New Adult Christian Fantasy (which means the characters are 21 and older; it’s not YA)

Fairy Tale Retelling: Little Mermaid


Everyone has a secret…

Lady Myranthe Delmare has two wishes—to ensure the right man rules her kingdom and uncover why her sister has suddenly fallen mute. Her efforts to uncover the answer to both place her directly in the path of the very man she’s sent to spy on—King Naturo Endarison. When efforts to undermine both king and kingdom place everyone in danger, Myranthe finds herself trapped in an agreement that demands her own silence. As war looms, Myranthe is forced to choose between condemning her family or her kingdom…and the king who conceals a deadly secret.

Librarian Elmery Nemorio has no idea why a group of deranged lunatics want her dead, but she does know she will lose her sanity if she has to spend one more minute with her sarcastic bodyguard, Vladic Cindari. Unfortunately, as danger grows and more attempts on her life are made, she begins to suspect Vladic is the least of her worries. Forced from her home and into a life of peril and unwanted adventure, Elmery doesn’t know what the next day will bring. Joined by the annoying Vladic, she finds herself immersed in a renewed battle not only for her home, but for all the lands.

As loyalties are questioned and evil threatens the Coastlands’ hard-won peace, a king must rise, an unwilling soldier must again fight, and a noblewoman and librarian caught in the crossfire of schemes and danger must decide if standing for the truth is worth losing those they love.

Shattered Resistance is a New Adult Christian fantasy Little Mermaid retelling, and is the third book in The Shattered Lands

The Shattered Lands
Shattered Revision – Prequel (Available for Preorder)
Shattered Reflection – Book One
Shattered Reaction – Book Two
Shattered Resistance – Book Three
Shattered Redemption – Book Four (Available for Preorder)
Shattered Risk – Novella (Coming late 2025)


Don’t Miss this Free Short Story

If you preordered SR3 or will purchase it between now and 6/10, be sure to fill out this form to receive ESMARIE, a short story taking place about ten years after SR3. This Goose Girl retelling will feature two characters you meet in SR3 along with the tropes friends-to-more, protective hero, and introvert/extrovert.

I’m working on this short story right now and hope to begin sending it out no later than Thursday.

SR4, the final novel in the series, releases next April. While I don’t yet know the fairy tale retelling, it’s shaping up to be one heck of a story.

Of the tropes listed on the trope graphic, which are your favorites? If you found yourself in a Little Mermaid retelling, which character would you be? I’d likely be Sebastian–the haggard, frantic guardian doing my utmost best to keep my ornery charge safe.

A Silent Hope Cover Reveal Signups

Earlier this year I was invited to participate in a special nonprofit muti-author collaboration. If you subscribe to my newsletter, you may remember when I did a title reveal for A Silent Hope. Now, it’s time for cover reveal and launch/ARC team signups.

I’m so excited about this book, not only because The Wounded Lion is a fairy tale I’ve long wanted to retell, and not just because it may begin a new series, but because of the heart behind this collaboration. You’ll learn more about that in early January, though, when the participating authors do a series title reveal.

As always, this book is no different than my others. It is:

  • Christian
  • Nonmagical
  • New Adult
  • Clean Romance
  • Non-explicit violence

Unlike my others, it’s a novella. Yeah, I know. ‘Tis a rare occurrence when Madi produces something under 90,000 words.

Read on to learn more about A Silent Hope.

About the Book

When illness threatens her brother’s life, deaf peasant Calaine Kalen vows to do anything to save him—including finding work near a war-torn area overrun with giants and nefarious schemes.

When war threatens Prince Renner Leorin’s kingdom, he vows to save it no matter what—even if that means convincing a surly former enemy to help.

She needs a cure. He needs a miracle. Can tragedy bring two unlikely hearts together, or will heartbreak shatter any hope of both love and saving those they care about?

***Blurb will change.

Reveal Date:

The reveal date is January 29, 2024.


The inspiration board will be revealed alongside the cover.


I’d love to have you assistance! If you are interested, below are the links:




2023, 2024, and Reader Input

2023 is drawing to an end. This year has been crazy, but good nonetheless. In this post, I will recap 2023, detail a bit of 2024, and pose a few questions to you readers.

2023 Recap


By the Lord’s grace, I published five-point-five books this year. CROWN, This Tender Heart (Seize the Love Anthology, KEY, Shattered Reaction, and ARROW. That adds up to around 370,000 words. A thousand thank yous to everyone who helped spread the word.

Illness waylaid me in October and forced back ARROW’s publication date. Thank you so much for graciously adjusting to the change in plans.


I was contracted for cover design for two multi-author series, which were a joy to design. Not counting premades, MPED produced around forty covers. You’ll see most of those in 2024. The website was also redesigned, and while I’m still applying the finishing touches, I’m pleased with its progress. Also, turns out designing historical fairy tale retelling covers is so much fun.

You can go to the premades page to see one of my favorite covers of all time. (Hint: historical with blue dress)


Goodreads says I read over 60 books this year. Some of my favorite 2023 books were Dreams of the Heart by Penny Zeller, A Mermaid’s Tale by L.E. Richmond, and A Worthy Pursuit by Karen Witemeyer.


Found out I was going to be one of the cover designers for Beyond the Bookery! If you’re seeking indie publishing assistance or would like to be published through a small press devoted to helping your book become the best it can, consider Bookery.

Helped set up the Cornerstone multi-author series. And somehow became the organizer’s assistant. Which amuses me greatly because I am very much a wallflower. You can add my Cornerstone book, A Noble Protector, here.

Battled two rounds of vicious Goodreads trolls, some of whom attacked just after Thanksgiving. Goodreads hasn’t done anything about them yet. While I would very much like them to be removed (almost 20 one stars in two days, most on books not yet released), it’s been a good lesson that, if I truly have given my books to the Lord, I better believe He’s in control no matter what.

Anticipating 2024


2024 is preparing to be my busiest year thus far with six or seven releases. I’m anticipating Shattered Resistance the most. We’ll also see Canon and Silci’s story, my first historical novella (!), and some other lovely tales, one of which features a deaf heroine. The current official schedule is as follows:

February – Black Rose Collection

March – A Silent Hope (The Wounded Lion retelling)

April – Shattered Resistance (Little Mermaid retelling)

July- Shattered Revision (tentative Cinderella retelling)

September – Heart of Strength (historical romance)

December – A Noble Protector (A Wild Swans retelling)

It feels like I’m missing one. Oh well.

I also hope to have a little something for my newsletter subscribers in January, but we’ll see.


January to April is filled. Booked solid, pun intended. But, if you need editing, cover design, or A+ Content from May onward, contact me to secure your slot, even if it’s later in the year. My passion is to assist new authors with quality edits and design, although I immensely enjoy helping every author no matter what stage of writing they’re in.

If you will be requiring the services MPED provides in 2024, feel free to fill out this form to receive a discount on your next MPED purchase. *Can be applied to packages.


My goal is to read over 70 books in 2024 or reach giving my 500th rating on Goodreads. I’m still looking for Christian historical romance and fantasy recommendations (no regency, profanity, sizzle, steam, lust, or love triangles, please.) The first batch of purchase requests has been provided to the library.

Questions for Readers


I’m planning my 2024 schedule. If you’d like to see a specific post, or more of a certain type(s) of post(s), please fill out this form and let me know! I welcome suggestions.


I’m preparing for 2024’s publishing and am considering launching a street team. I have an important question for you who so wonderfully participate on the cover reveal, launches, and ARC teams. If you routinely help spread the word about my books, or are interested in doing so, is it easier for me to post forms for each book as they come, or would you prefer having one form, encompassing every 2024 book, to fill out?

You can provide your input here.

How did your 2023 go? What books were your favorite reads? If you’ve read any of mine, who is your favorite character? What are your 2024 plans, and which books are you looking forward to reading? Let me know!