Book Sale, Massive Giveaway Event, and More

It feels like it’s been a century since I’ve posted something, wherein it’s actually been less than a week. Such is how a deadline scrambles your brain, I suppose.

Speaking of scrambling, I completely forgot to open signups for SR3’s release launch. I’d very much appreciate your help spreading the word about Shattered Resistance’s release on May 28th or any day after that within the week. You can find the form here and learn more about SR3 here.

Read on to learn about an absolutely colossal giveaway, a book sale, and a voting opportunity.

Fairytale Summer

I’m joining forces with more than thirty other authors to bring you an epic event where there are more than ninety–yes, ninety–books up for the win as well as a grand assortment of door prizes (like SR1’s and IRON’s character cards). Be sure you join the Facebook group here so you can enjoy the festivities, which begin June 1st. Many books are open to international winners.

*Please keep in mind that, while this is marketed as a clean fairytale event, there are some books with Level 2 romance (I consider only Level 1 to be clean), and some books contain profanity. The organizer will be providing a list of all books and their romance/profanity levels. There are several that are perfectly clean and that I can wholeheartedly recommend, so be sure to join for a chance to win the numerous clean books. *


Fairy Tales Galore

There’s a wonderful sale going on right now of over twenty clean fairy tale retellings. This will only last for a few more days, so if you want a chance to stock your ereader on discounted retellings, be sure to go here.

New Series Sneak Peek

I’m just going to ignore the fact that The Shattered Lands and The Redwyn Chronicles are coming to an end next year and instead offer you a chance to choose a sneak peek into the upcoming 2026 series. If you subscribe to my newsletter, you’ll know I sent May’s newsletter a few weeks ago. What you may have missed, because there was a ton going on in that newsletter, is that I am planning to give my newsletter subscribers a special, subscriber-only freebie that is tied to the 2026 series. This freebie will be available to all newsletter subscribers in August or September.

Here’s where you come in. You can vote for which fairy tale retelling you’d like the freebie to be. Scroll through that newsletter until you find the announcement and be sure to fill out that form. I will announce the winning fairy tale in June’s newsletter. There are two that are nearly neck-to-neck, so if there’s a fairy tale you love that you’d like to see be retold as the newsletter magnet, let me know via that form!

How has your May gone? Right now, mine is rainy and windy and did I mention rainy? Good for the grass, not so good for my poor little green bean seedlings that need more sun than they’re getting. What books in the sales event piqued your interest? Are there any authors you hadn’t heard of?

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