Review + Giveaway: Texas Forsaken

Today, Madi’s Musings is participating in the blog tour for Texas Forsaken. Read on to learn more about the author, book, giveaway, and my review. You can find the full tour schedule here.

About the Author

Originally from Tennessee, Sherry Shindelar loves to take her readers into the past. She is an avid student of the Civil War and the Old West, and she is a romantic at heart. When she is not busy writing, she is an English professor working to pass on her love of writing to her students. Sherry is an award-winning writer: 2023 Genesis finalist, Maggie finalist, and Crown finalist. She currently resides in Minnesota with her husband of thirty-eight years. She has three grown children and three grandchildren.

Connect with Sherry at to follow her on social media and sign up for email updates.

About the Book

Title: Texas Forsaken
Lone Star Redemption #1
Author: Sherry Shindelar
Wild Heart Books
Release Date:
May 21, 2024
Genre: Christian Historical Romance

Seven years ago, Maggie Logan (Eyes-Like-Sky) lost everything she knew when a raid on a wagon train tore her from her family. As the memories of her past faded to nothing more than vague shadows, Maggie adapted, marrying a Comanche warrior, having a baby, and rebuilding her life. But in one terrible battle, the U.S. Cavalry destroys that life and she is taken captive again, this time by those who call themselves her people. Forced into a world she wants nothing to do with, Eyes-Like-Sky’s only hope at protecting her child may be an engagement to the man who killed her husband.

Enrolled in West Point to escape his overbearing father, Captain Garret Ramsey finds himself assigned to the Texas frontier, witnessing the brutal Indian War in which both sides commit atrocities. Plagued by guilt for his own role, Garret seeks redemption by taking responsibility for the woman he widowed and her baby. Though he is determined to do whatever it takes to protect them, is he willing to risk everything for a woman whose heart is buried in a grave?


(1) winner will win a $25 Amazon gift card, a signed copy of Texas Forsaken, and a Texas Bluebonnet mug.



Rating: 4 Stars

Texas Forsaken is a Christian historical romance rich in faith and history.

Shindelar tackles two worlds–Comanche and the wilds of Texas, to create a unique and captivating tale. The character development is well-done and the settings make the reader feel like they are transported there in real life. I appreciated Garrett’s honorable character and Sky’s devotion and loyalty to her child. The tension, which keeps you reading until the end, is well-written.

Characters pray and thank God, a circuit rider makes an appearance, and characters experience immense spiritual growth. This truly was a beautiful part of the story.

Shindelar does not shy away from the horrors of war, yet does so tastefully. Torture is vaguely described; it is briefly mentioned that women were s3xually assaulted and murdered; raids are mentioned; characters are wounded; a character is injured in the War Between States.

Due to the realistic way this is portrayed–and again, Shindelar does so tastefully–more sensitive readers should keep the amount of violence in mind.

Characters kiss and a married couple cuddles in a prison cell.

It is implied in the past a courting couple gets handsy and that the man regrets it; a woman is unfairly called a whore.

Unfortunately, there is a fade-to-black scene, which I did not know the book contained when I signed up to read it. The female character requests the act in not so many words, and the scene cuts after the male character lowers her to the blanket.

There are five Dear Gods that are impossible to tell if is a Lord’s name in vain or a prayer.

Texas Forsaken blends faith, history, and a unique plot that keeps you on the edge of your seat until the very final page.

*I received a copy of this book from the publisher in conjunction with JustReads in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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